Quick Guide to CBD Dosage: Factors that Inform Proper CBD Dosage

cbd dosage

It often the most asked questions when it comes to beginners who are looking to start using CBD. What is the best CBD dosage? You’ll hear a client asking even the one who has been using CBD for a while but was never curious on the dosage until it wasn’t working according to their expectation and now they are concerned. CBD has been used over the years, traditionally and in the modern world too. It took a long time for scientists to officially put it out there that CBD is a safe and essential product. Due to its therapeutic benefits to the body, it is usually vital that one settles for a dosage amount that works correctly for them. This is because there isn’t one universal dosage that works for everyone hence, for you to reap all the benefits of CBD you must get it right.

There are some factors that one should use when settling for the perfect dosage for them. These factors have been proven over time; they are safe and accurate which is what you need to get the right dosage amount for you. It is unfortunate that CBD does not have a precise dosage that one might use. The dosage estimation is neither changing the consumer’s health nor is it appropriate, which is why with these four factors all that will change; The weight of the individual, the concentration of CBD, the intensity of the condition and the consumer’s body reaction towards the particular CBD dosage amount. Although even after using these methods, you will still need to adjust your dosage amount here and there in your whole lifetime. Here is everything you need to know about getting the right dosage amount:-

CBD Dosage Using Your Body Weight

Dosage Estimation

dosage estimation

You have probably heard this before, that consumers of different products (not necessarily CBD only) react differently to them due to the difference in body weight. Using your body weight, you can estimate the amount of CBD that will work correctly for you. The truth is, consumers with more significant body mass require more CBD while consumers will smaller body mass need less CBD for them to experience the full benefits of CBD.

The table below will make things a bit less complicated because you will understand the concept of your body weight in the measurement of your dosage.

How it Works

47694433_345467872707501_7455374240020030037_nYou have finally settled on an initial dosage amount, and you still do not feel the CBD oil effects the way you think you should. This means that you still need to increase your initial dosage for you to benefit from using CBD. Gradually increase your dosage amount and take time with each new dose before you add more. This way you have time to monitor your body and how effective the CBD dose is.

Other Options

Well, the truth is that you do not have many options. The other option you have before you settle on a dosage amount is consulting your physician. This is an excellent option because your physician understands your body better and your condition to giving them a better chance of prescribing the right CBD dosage for you.

CBD dosage Using the CBD Concentration

You are already good to go when it comes to CBD dosing and your body weight, what about the concentration of CBD? There are different types of CBD one might use. Therefore, knowing exactly what amount of CBD is in each helps the process.

Measuring CBD Tincture Dosage


When you go the tincture way, there isn’t much struggle given that you will be using a dropper to measure the CBD amount. A dropper is IML therefore, understanding how much CBD is in the dropper helps in settling for the dosage. Here is a formula you need to be using for you to get all the benefits of CBD:- Total amount of CBD in the bottle divide by the number of milliliters in the bottle which is equal to the number of Milligrams in the dropper. This method is not so accurate. Therefore, you need to do more before blindly settling on a dosage amount.

Measuring CBD Vape Dosage


Vapers are not left behind when it comes to measuring a CBD dosing amount. Just like using a dropper, the key to appropriate CBD measurements is understanding how much CBD is in the e-liquid. Your dosage amount is probably 30MG, and you’re using a 1000MG CBD e-liquid. This means that the tank would contain 33.33MG of CBD which is a little more than you dosage, not to worry. You can vape at different intervals during the day which will give the CBD time to settle in during the breaks. You should also know that a CBD overdose cannot hurt you because the CBD oil effects will be the same.

Is There a Perfect Way?


Well, there is. Tablets are the closest thing to perfect dosage of CBD. CBD tablets are easier to administer, and they also do not have a lot of measuring to do. CBD tablets are usually filled with the exact dosage amount that your body needs. If the initial dosage amount for you is 26-30MG then purchasing a 25-30MG tablet is the right call for you. This is the simplest yet the most accurate way for you to take your CBD dosage.


With all these factors figured out, you are set to have an easier time deciding what CBD amount works for you. It is less of a struggle when you know exactly what you are doing. CBD is the perfect supplement for you because it has little to no side effects. Therefore, you have one more thing to love it for. With the right dosage, you are set to reap all the benefits of CBD.

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