CBD Oil: Shedding the Pounds in a Stress-free Way

The Epidemic of Obesity

お腹の贅肉をつまむ太った男性Obesity, or the condition of being grossly overweight, is a growing concern. Not just a major health issue on its own, it can lead to other debilitating diseases as well.

According to the latest figures, obesity affects one-third of all adults in the US. It is an alarming situation not just for appearance but also because being overweight is the leading cause of cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Being overweight also downgrades the quality of life. Obese individuals have to deal with their extra weight daily. Even a few extra pounds or some junk in the trunk can make people extremely conscious.

Aside from the physical side effects, being overweight can lead to anxiety and depression. A lot of people have self-esteem issues only because of their body. They may not enjoy their favorite clothes or even miss out on fun activities, like going to the beach.

Despite the severe consequences of being overweight, the problem only seems to be growing. Unhealthy food choices and lack of activity are part of our daily routine, and all these are factors that lead to being overweight.

The Vicious Cycle of Gaining Weight

Weight gain is not a simple thing. The entire process is very complicated and can spiral out of control pretty fast. For starters, gaining even a few pounds can have immediate adverse effects on health.

But the most damaging impact is psychological. Gaining weight can result in stress, which can, in turn, lead to further weight gain. This way weight gain can quickly spiral out of control.

The Weight Loss Industry


To deal with the problem and help individuals struggling with losing weight, an entirely new industry has emerged. Over the past few decades, the industry has flourished. Slimming teas, supplements, restrictive diets, specific workout regimens, you name it.

Everything and anything that can sound even remotely scientific has been tried and tested. The truth is, very few of these techniques work. Unless there is a serious, life-long commitment, the results are temporary at best.

The industry is massive. But consumers must be educated on what truly works, and which products or methods are just full of fluff.

CBD Oil: Hope in a Bottle?


Among the various methods and technique, one is CBD. More specifically, CBD oil. CBD oil is amongst the latest in the host of weight loss trends.

The oil is being touted as the next big thing when it comes to weight loss. Reality is, with CBD and CBD oil the science is there. Research is still ongoing, but if it matches medical intuition, then CBD oil could be a much bigger deal.

Does CBD Oil make you Gain Weight?


Ironically, the first thought that pops into mind when a lot of people think of CBD oil is whether it causes weight gain.

The reason behind this misconception is THC. CBD and THC are both present in the hemp plant. Though very close in structure, they are entirely different in the way they work.

Most people link CBD with THC, but this is very wrong. THC is a mind-altering substance. It can cause dependency and has psychoactive side effects. CBD is none of those things.

THC increases hunger and causes users to eat more food. Eating more naturally leads to weight gain. CBD, on the other hand, does not work in the same way. On the whole, CBD works to suppress appetite rather than increase it.

The jury is still out on the exact reason for the weight loss, but studies on animals have shown that CBD improves metabolism. An improved metabolic rate along with decreased hunger results in weight loss. Studies on human subjects have also supported these claims. A 2013 study of over 4,600 adults showed significant results. Overall, the participants lost weight and experienced reduced waistline as well.

Consuming CBD oil can result in weight loss. The reason is not merely linked to metabolism or the fact that CBD oil reduces hunger. There are multiple reasons why it works for weight loss.

CBD Oil and Weight Gain- The Truth Behind the Matter

CBD does not just effect hunger levels. The chemical improves the working of our endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is responsible for healthy brain functioning and the immune system.

By improving neural activity and the immune system, CBD oil can help lose weight. How? You may ask. Here are just a few reasons why CBD oil for weight loss works well:

1. It fights stress

Stress is one of the number one reasons why people gain weight. Anxiety and stress can also lead people to overeat. In fact, too much stress can slow down metabolism and damage the immune system. CBD oil is known to relieve stress and anxiety. It can help users relax and prevent emotional overeating.

2. Relieves pain


This again is related to stress. Pain can be a great source of stress and lead to weight gain. CBD oil is very effective against pain. Cancer patients are regularly given CBD to deal with pain.

CBD oil can dull the pain and reduce the damaging behaviors that accompany extreme pain.

3. Regulation of hormones

CBD oil helps to manage hormones. Hormonal imbalance is the leading cause of weight gain in a lot of people. With CBD oil hormone levels can remain balanced, and weight loss can be achieved.

CBD oil and weight gain is a myth. It is a misconception people have because they link CBD with THC.

Using CBD Oil for Weight Loss


CBD oil is set to become a true champion in the weight loss industry. The miracle product has huge potential, not just because it has proven results. CBD oil is extremely easy to use. People can cook in CBD oil by replacing butter with CBD oil in baking, using CBD oil for weight loss instead of olive oil for salad dressings and so on.

It is a very versatile product used in several different ways. However it is used, CBD oil and weight loss go together. So do not be afraid to use it to lose weight.

Getting it Straight

Do not feel swayed by claims that CBD oil results in weight gain. Most of these claims are based on people’s perceptions of THC. CBD oil shows promising results. The use does not lead to weight gain. If anything, it helps to lose weight and improve the overall health of an individual.

Look for good quality CBD oil weight loss from a reputable source to get maximum results. This is because there are a lot of fakers out there as well. Just get the dosage right, based on your body weight and tolerance levels. Starting slowly always helps. CBD oil will assist you in your weight loss journey.

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